Draft: Interview mit Thomas Goersch (The Profane Exhibit – Anthology Interview Series: Part #1) (en)
Hi friends of the experimental and extreme horror movie. Today we – Linda Möller and I – Thomas Ortlepp will dedicate ourselves extensively to this genre, because it is about the hot-anticipated anthology horror movie „The Profane Exhibit“ and today, we ask the performer Thomas Goersch to his work on the Segment ‚mors in tabula‘ of the Anthology –
Hey Thomas, It’s great that you take the time to answer a few questions.
How are you?
* This is one thing, that i dont ask myself. I am a workholic and I am happy when I am by 100% in the work with a project. Private life died last year, so I dont ask myself.
How did you both -u & Marian- met you? How is your contact with each other? Would you call him a friend? Are you currently planning another collaboration?
* Marian and I first met the movie „Ice Age“ by Carl Andersen in 2004. Marian made some child of making this movie. In this time I had no idea about his own work. I was raping a woman. I guess he later fights up for „Voyage to Agatis“ because of this scene. The scene was filmed within 10 minutes, without any discussion if the scene is ok or if it’s too violent or whatever.
* That’s how our working together started.
* First „Agatis“, then „Carcinoma“ and for sure „The Profane Exhibit“.
* Between the projects we have only contact because of the status of Marian, as a mystic person and not to get for the people. So the people get in contact with me and I transfer their belongings to Marian
* If I am the friend of Marian Dora?
* A very good question. I like him very much and I feel very comfortable with him. But he is not holding contact outside of the projects. So from his side, I guess he would say „No“
* So there is no information about a new working together. I would love to work with him again, but maybe he is more interested in working with another actor.
Could you tell us something about the shooting of „Mors in Tabula“ -1? So far, I only know where you filmed ..
How did the cooperation with Witalij Kühne work? Do you get on well with each other? And does Marian Dora really exert as much pressure on the shooters as you? back then at „Cannibal“ (-> there was a 12 second making-of on the Blacklava-VÖ, where he completely loses his temper!)
* I really don’t want to talk too much about the first „Mors in Tabula“
* Mors in Tabula for „The Profane Exhibit“.
* As you know know, I cast the actors for Marian’s movie, so I bring Witalij Kühne to Marian. Witalij is the perfect guy, good looking, talented and a real nice person. I like him very much.
* I never felt pressure in the Dora productions. I had a really free working and creating my characters. Maybe Marian and I feel like you’re in a very simular way. He was never loud to anyone on the set. I enjoyed every second
What are the chances that Segment I will eventually get a release?
* by 0% I guess
How did you prepare the child for the shoot of „Mors in Tabula“ -2, or what did you tell the boy what is going on there?
* I guess the best thing is to speak.
die eigenen bedürfnisse
Where was this second segment turned and who is the assistant with the shoulder-length hair? I was asked by someone for our pictures ..: – D
* The 2 nd part was shot at Heidenheim, South Germany. The guy is Uwe Bernard.
„The Profane Exhibit“ has been in production for quite some time now. Is there anything we can do from our side to help you with the completion? I know a lot of movie freaks who are willing to whip your wallet … would that help production?
* The project is on a good way and I expect the release in 2018. I have a good contact to the production team
What were the most beautiful you have had in dealing with Marian Dora? That does not have to be limited to filming, it can also be stuff from the private sector .. 😉
* I loved the shootings of the movies. The greatest fun when I was whipped in „Carcinoma“. How strange can be live.
Were there any emotional moments between you or when you were both full professionals on set? Have you ever come together?
* How do you mean emotional moments? We had no sex, lol. No we had no fights. You see, boring and only work.
I think there was a lot of tension on both set segments on the set, did you have to take breaks or seek psychological help?
* No, Actors have to split their minds from their characters, otherwise they will get mad in the work as a horror actor. I can split completly, after every take I am a complete comedian and in a complete other mood.
Was it ever the case in cooperation with Dora? The make up of the child in MIT-2 was just perfect, who made it?
* For the make-up and special effects we had the make-up and Marian for the special effects. But in the end the boy played perfect.
Did the child see himself in the mirror?
* Yes the boy saw himself and he was pretty cool and always in a good mood
The emotions are played Outstanding, how to prepare Mental for such a Brachial emotional world?
* Thats a question I hear a lot of times, because of my strange parts. But the answer is always confusing for the people. I do not work on the characters. I read the book and I am able to understand the people.Their thinking, moods and expectations. I have all those charaters somewhere in me.
* Doras films share life largely, apart from the image and sound of violence, of poetry and great music pieces, such as. the instrumental piece by Mayhem – which is played towards the end in Carcinoma and was originally intended for Mors in Tabula.
Are these already discussed during the shoot or does the drama crew no longer have any influence on that? How long did you shoot to develop the finished segment?
* Its a matter of money. Marian Doras movies are on a very low budget so everything has to be very quick. Actors are not paid, and have some catering on the movie I cooked for everyone. The shooting with the actors is just on one day for The Profane Exhibit. So shooting for an episode in 2 days, not much time for nothing. Everything in 2 days. So you can expect how much we are working on these days
Which of Marian’s films do you think is the best and which one you can not do at all? What would your dream role look like in a (future) Marian Dora movie and what role did you like the most?
* Oh difficult questions.
* I dont like „Cannibal“ Ok the fact is shocking, but it’s boring to me.
* To think about the movies I am in almost impossible. I think the people dont like „Voyage to Agatis“, but I love it very much. I met Tatjana Lommel there for the first time and the shooting was a big fun. Rafael was a great part for me
What’s the current situation with you? Which projects are planned and what’s new from you soon?
* I was very busy in 2017.
* So there is a german action movie to come „Breakdown Forest“ by Patrick Roy Beckert, Co Starring the guys from the german movie „Das Boot“
* a swedish/Polish movie called „Bloody Shadows“ by Malga Kubiak
* a german movie called „Katharsis“ by Theo Hoffmann, about a serial killer
* and for sure „Mampf – the movie“ by Lisa Neun, a strange drama- comedy
* in 2018 I will play
* in the belgian movie „NECRO – House of the rotten flesh“ by Rob Ceus
* in the german movie „Revolution“ by Alexander Tuschinksi , together with Helmut Berger
* and for sure my big projekt „Herr Berger sucht einen Sohn“ (Mister Berger is searching for a sun“ directed by myself , a german-french comedy
Thank you for spending Time for answering our questions and best wishes.